$ 0 0 The fashion trends DailyHEADLINESART & ENTERTAINMENTLEISURE#FASHIONALL ARTICLESMonday, Jan. 30, 2017Next update in a day ArchivesIt’s not that bad to follow trends. – DoxyShared byDoxymedium.com - I want to clarify I’m not here to educate anyone on how to dress or how to style themselves and so on, that’s for everyone to know for themselves. It was only about a year and half ago I found myse...“ブルーアイテム”でちょい甘コーデ。 - モデルプレスShared byモデルプレスmdpr.jp - 特集 TV Ranking ニュースランキング モデルランキング 雑誌ランキング 画像ランキング Model&Magazine モデルROOM 雑誌ROOM Snap Blog&SNS ブログROOM ツイッターROOM 女子旅プレス トップページ Style ファッション “ブルーアイテム”でちょい甘コーデ。 キレイでガーリーな洗練スタイル★ 可愛いだけじゃつまらない。大人女子にうってつけ...8 Major Street Style Trends From The Men’s AW17 Fashion WeeksShared byFashionBeanswww.fashionbeans.com - Fashion ain’t what it used to be. Where once biannual fashion weeks served as a sort of style crystal ball, letting us in on the trends that were set to make it big, today’s menswear calendar has s...8 fashion resolutions you need to follow to keep up your trend meter this yearShared byThe Designer Labelswww.thedesignerlabels.com - New year calls for new resolutions in the wardrobe department and we have just about all the fashion resolutions you must make for this year. We have listed what you must ditch and replace for fash...周りと差をつけよう!カラーニットを使ったHAPPYコーデ♡ - モデルプレスShared byNEWSmdpr.jp - 特集 TV Ranking ニュースランキング モデルランキング 雑誌ランキング 画像ランキング Model&Magazine モデルROOM 雑誌ROOM Snap Blog&SNS ブログROOM ツイッターROOM 女子旅プレス トップページ Style ファッション 周りと差をつけよう!カラーニットを使ったHAPPYコーデ♡ 暖色系のニットを使ったコーデ 暖かみのあるイエローや、レッ...Naresh Kumar SagarART & ENTERTAINMENTHow Big Data Plays an Important Role in Fashion Industry?Shared byGiuseppe Vassallowww.iamwire.com - Extremely large sets of data, which help you to reveal patterns, associations, and trends, play a pivotal role in the fashion industry. Whether structured or unstructured data, you can analyse them...All Art & Entertainment →LEISUREThe Death of Personal StyleShared by❄snow Princess Fii❄www.littlemissfii.co.uk - Dramatic much? Maybe slightly hypocritical, as I'm in peak 'perceived' blogger mode: aka the pj situation, glasses, messy half-up do, because ease and comfort (and also my hair is now too short aga...80's Fashion Trends That Are Here To StayShared byTrendy Like MeAll Leisure →