Smiriti Irani Center to Control All Schools to College Education
June21, 2016 (C) Ravinder Singh
Central Government wants to Control Everything and run everything leaving practically nothing to do for states. Therefore states becoming irrelevant and unwanted with little or no budget.
Government of India wants, through Indian Education Service, Control Education under HRD managed Cadre – To Be Eventually TAKEN OVER BY IAS.
Teachers selected through TOUGH TESTS – Will Be Licensed for 10 Years Only – TSRS didn’t need any LICENSE or Even Medical Test for Top Level Positions.
300m Students would cost over 1.5 Crore TEACHERS PLUS STAFF – @ Rs.4,00,000/- is Rs.6,00,000 Cr and Cost of INFRA Rs.3,00,000 Cr together is = Rs.9,00,000 Cr – Which EQUALS CENTRAL GOVERNMENT SHARE OF TAXES.
Center Government already controls –
Ø State Administration through IAS/IPS/IFS services,
Ø Industry, IPR, FDI,
Ø Oil & Gas Exploration, to Distribution, Coal, Nuclear-Renewable Energy,
Ø Collect Customs, Excise, Income Tax, Corporate & Service Taxes,
Ø Central Forces & Police including CBI, Defense,
Ø Telecom Services, Post & Telegraph, Broadband, Internet, Broadcasting,
Ø Interstate Power Transmission & Distribution,
Ø Railways, National Highways, Airports, Airlines,
Ø through Private Sector Control Healthcare, Transport,
Ø Premium Education through IITs & UGC etc,
Ø Public Jobs in all above.
Ø Cultural Control through YOGA like events,
Ø School Education from Pre-School to Senior Secondary,
Ø Highways by Taking Over STATE HIGHWAYS,
Ø Agriculture through Cards, Fertilizer, Inputs Subsidy, Unified Agri-Market,
Ø River Linking Kind of LUNATIC Irrigation Projects,
Ø Healthcare through AIIMS & PRIVATE HEALTHCARE,
Ø Discom Transmission & Distribution through Private Route,
Ø Sales Tax Collection through GST,
Ø URBAN Development through SMART CITIES etc.
Ravinder Singh, Inventor & Consultant, INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES AND PROJECTS
Y-77, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016, India. Ph; 091- 9871056471, 9718280435, 9650421857
Ravinder Singh* is a WIPO awarded inventor specializing in Power, Transportation,
Wonderful Yoga session at Itanagar in Arunachal Pradesh
Wonderful Yoga session at Itanagar in Arunachal Pradesh on #IDY2016. Yoga is India’s valuable gift to the world.

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International Day of Yoga at U.S. Embassy
- Congratulations to
@PMOIndia@narendramodi for the successful second International#YogaDay.
#IDY2016.@USAmbIndia,@USAndIndia celebrate International Day of Yoga at U.S. Embassy New Delhi.@PMOIndia#IDY2016#YogaDay