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 Invitation – First Diploma Production by final year student.

Invitation – First Diploma Production by final year student.
From: Anoop Barua <anoopbarua@gmail.com> Mon, 20 Jun ’16 2:44p
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
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Dear Friend,

It gives me an immense pleasure in informing that the final year students of NSD would be presenting their Diploma Productions in coming days in different space/auditorium at NSD campus and in the process ever first Diploma Production will be staged on 22ndJune 2016 at 6.30 pm at Bahumukh auditorium.

The following are the detailed information about the play:

Name of the play       : “The 3rd Way”
Direction                    : Ms. Vidisha Purohit (final year student)

About the play
This play is all about our expression on gender and gender related issue. It is all about how we see human rather than a human indentify as near gender. Also, how surreal and absurd at must be sometimes to see the demarcation, perception and attitude of people. On the basis of gender towards some other people through the play we have tried to explore the fact that homosexual relationships are no different that heterosexual relationship.

The butterfly in the stomach, blushes, embraces, kisses, betrayals and hatreds are the same. It is just that we have different angel to see it.

Play Director’s Note
I initiated my work the intension of playing on relationship but while my research was on. I realize that my list explored area has been homosexual relationships. Now, even before getting in to homosexual relationships, I need to know and understand homosexuality as a whole.  I have realize that homosexuality has a critical stat in are society I have tried to incorporate all that I have understood about the realities of a homosexual life and naaz foundation holds significant credit for helping me achieve it.

Though it has been existing from the ancient time to the present day infect we find many interesting homosexual stories in mythology. So, why it has to become a taboo now?

It is indeed a great pleasure for Director, NSD to invite for the show, hence, please spare some time from your busy schedule to witness the only show.

Since the play is being performed at Bahumukh auditorium where we have space constrain and also having a single performance, therefore, it is a humble request to put your requisition in advance so that sitting space could be arranged accordingly. Please note “the Play contents, language suitable to only adults’.

We look forward to welcoming you at the performance.

With regards,

A.K. Barua
Public Relations Officer
National School of Drama
New Delhi

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UNCTAD’s World Investment Report 2016 looks into global financial flows against a background of stalling global growth, falling commodity prices and geopolitical tensions.

Globally, the recovery in foreign direct investment (FDI) was strong in 2015, with foreign direct investment flows jumping. A surge in cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&As) was the principal factor behind the global rebound. However, part of the growth in FDI was due to very large corporate reconfigurations by multinational enterprises, including shifting their headquarters, for strategic reasons.
Regulations on the ownership and control of companies are essential in the investment regime of most countries. The report provides insights into the ownership structures of multinational enterprises, analyses national and international investment policy practices worldwide, and proposes a new framework for handling ownership issues.


Indian Orthopaedic Association (IOA) is one of the largest Academic Professional Organisations of doctors, consisting of nearly 12,000 Life members from the length and breath of INDIA spanning across 22 States and Hundreds of cities and thousands of districts.  Since it’s inception in 1955, it has completed 60 years of existence.  IOA is the pivotal body for streamlining academics and research, as  well as social networking among orthopedic surgeons and is recognized all over the World.
The IOA embarked and obtained the permission from the Govt. of India to observe  4thAugust of every year, the day when the IOA was officially registered, as the National Bone and Joint Day for the last Four years.  The concept of the Bone and Joint Day was the brain child of our former President , IOA, Dr. S. Rajasekaran and the present President of IOA, Dr. Sudhir Kapoor who was the then honorary Secretary, IOA. Every year we have been adopting different themes for observing this important day. Last year it was on Road Safety – Follow Road Rules and Save Lives. The primary aim is not only to create an awareness among people on the various orthopaedic illnesses which can be prevented or treated, but also be useful to the society.
This year it has been decided to conduct free surgeries on the 3rd, 4th and 5th of August, 2016, which would benefit thousands of patients who are more on the underprivileged and lower socio economic strata. Being the first time we also propose to have it as a World Record for maximum no. of free orthopedic surgery in a short period.
With 22 Indian States affiliated to the Indian Orthopaedic Association, hundreds of cities, thousands of districts and innumerable town and Taluks across the length and breadth of the country IOA has proposed to take this noble act of conducting free surgeries to all these places through each and every Life member of the Association.  This will create an opportunity to benefit thousands of people from the poor or lower socioeconomic strata.
We have a target of atleast one free surgery by every member. The financial beneficial impact will indeed be very large. The surgeries will be completely free to the patients and an undertaking to this effect will be taken from the doctor as well as the patient.
Various NGOs and Clubs like Lion’s, Rotaract have been roped in, not only for better service and reach to the general public but also for the authentication and certification towards the World Record. We have applied to the World Record Academy, based in USA, who have a very large number of records listed from all over the World. Our record will be for the Highest number of free orthopaedi surgeries in a Country for a given period as we have proposed to have it on the 3rd, 4th and 5th of August, 2016.
We are very thankful to the IOA and all it’s Life Members and Mentors for having pledged their entire support wholeheartedly to perform this World feat, which will ultimately benefit our brethren.
We also thank the Media for having come in large numbers. It is impossible to take forward this unique social event to the general public without the support of media and press to ensure that the benefit truly reaches the masses.

Dr. Sudhir K. Kapoor,                                      Dr. Raja Ravi Verma & Dr. Dhirender
President, IOA                                                 National Coordinator

Dr. Sanjay Jain,
Hon. Secretary, IOA

President, (Respective State Association)

Secretary, (Respective State Association)


Naresh Kumar Sagar's photo.
Student Formula competition witnesses highest enrollment ever with 150 teams and 3750 participants
–      Announces award for best woman participant and team with maximum women participants
New Delhi, 20 June 2016: The 5th Edition of SAEINDIA SUPRA, India’s biggest formula student competition, is all set to roar into action from 4th -9th July 2016 at the Formula 1 track, Buddh International Circuit, Greater Noida, with support from Maruti Suzuki India Limited, the country’s leading passenger vehicle manufacturer.

Introduced in 2011 in India, SUPRA aligns with the Government’s Automotive Mission Plan 2016 and offers engineering students a platform to explore and demonstrate their aptitude in automobile engineering. It provides challenging and practical experience in the fields of manufacturing and production, while evaluating students on the profitability and market relevance of their prototypes.  It is well supported by the automotive industry, with over a hundred professionals from more than 25 companies volunteering to support the event in various capacities.
In order to encourage an increasing number of women to participate in the event, two special award categories have been announced in the 5th Edition of SUPRA. While the first recognizes the best woman participant, the second rewards the team with the maximum number of women participants. Around 200 women will be participating in SUPRA this year and there will be an all women’s team joining the event as well.

Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Prashant K Banerjee, Convener- SUPRA SAEINDIA 2016 & Deputy Executive Director (Technical) Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturerssaid, “SAEINDIA SUPRA has set a high standard in student formula competitions, with extraordinary support from the industry and academia. It contributes to the Government’s Skill India initiative, providing an excellent platform for skill development and enhancement.”

“This year, the students will be tested on a range of technical attributes in a mix of static and dynamic events by an experienced panel of judges, including experts from Germany and Russia. The team with the best overall combination of design and construction, financial planning, and performance on the track will emerge victorious,” Mr. Banerjee added.

Speaking on the occasion, Mr. R S Kalsi, Executive Director, Marketing & Sales, Maruti Suzuki India said, “We had first collaborated with SUPRA SAEINDIA in 2011 to encourage budding talent in motorsports and engineering. To conceptualize, design, fabricate and run a Formula prototype car from start to finish, provides great hands-on experience. Through this effort, Maruti Suzuki is bridging the gap between academia and industry. We are confident this exposure will enhance employability of young students in the Industry and prepare them for challenging assignments.”

FORMULA SAE is a student design competition organized by SAE International, held annually in the USA. The competition started in 1978 and was originally called SAE Mini Indy. In 2011, SAEINDIA decided to start the event in the country and named it SUPRA (abbreviated from Super Racing).

The concept behind SUPRA SAEINDIA is that a fictional manufacturing company has contracted a student design team to develop a small Formula style race car. The prototype race car is to be evaluated for its potential as a production item. The target marketing group for the race car is the non-professional weekend autocross racer. Each student team designs, builds and tests a prototype based on a series of rules, whose purpose is both ensuring on-track safety (the cars are driven by the students themselves) and promoting clever problem solving. The prototype race car is judged in a number of different events.


SUPRA SAEINDIA 2016 will see 150 teams from SAEINDIA Collegiate Clubs from engineering colleges across country create a virtual design, build a prototype and test their own formula type race car. As a one year long challenge across multiple stages comprising design defence, multiple rounds of technical inspections and actual construction of the vehicle, this event helps shape future engineers through fostering a competitive spirit. It encompasses all elements of vehicle building from aesthetics in design, to the choice of parts, from structure design and modelling to fabrication and testing. The students are guided and mentored by industry professionals and faculty advisers who are imparted training and guidance by technical experts from SAEINDIA. The upcoming finale will be judged by a panel of eminent international experts and technical leaders from the Indian automotive industry.

For more information, please visit http://suprasaeindia.org/

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