Say you’re ready to make sure he’ll never, ever be president, Naresh
Naresh, the descriptions of Trump’s rally in Greensboro earlier this week are horrifying:
A crowd chanting, “Build that wall!” An audience refusing to clap for a call for unity with the LGBT community. A group of six men following a protester out of the venue to intimidate him. Confederate flags everywhere. A vendor selling t-shirts that say “Trump that Bitch.”
This isn’t just politics as usual. Donald Trump isn’t just any Republican nominee — he’s inciting violence, and his rallies are hotbeds of anger and resentment. And if this is how he runs his campaign — imagine how he’d run our country.
This is what we’re dealing with. Trump is a toxic threat to the very values we stand for. Chip in, get a free sticker, and say you’re ready to make sure he’ll never, ever be our president:
Christina Reynolds
Deputy Communications Director
Hillary for America
Deputy Communications Director
Hillary for America
Rajiv Kumar: “Modi and his Challenges”
Dear Mr. Sagar,
I am pleased to let you know that my book “Modi and his Challenges”, on which I had been working for the last one year has been published by Bloomsbury and reached the bookstores last week of May 2016.
A copy of the cover jacket and an extract from the front flap and feedback from two eminent readers are reproduced below. I do hope you will make time to read it. I look forward to your comments and feedback.
Warm regards,
Extract from the Front Cover
“In an attempt to break the myths around who Narendra Modi really is, the author attempts to take us through a journey of the leader’s life, his political aspirations, his growth within the party, his stint in Gujarat and his performance over the last two years in Delhi. The author identifies the formidable challenges Modi faces and suggests some key measures that he must implement to supplement the work in progress and to deliver on his promises. “
Sir Mark Tully
“This is a renowned economist’s well reasoned defence of a highly controversial Prime Minister’s economic policies including his record in Gujarat. It’s also an explanation of the man himself. It should be read by all those who want to understand this complicated man”
Mark Tully (former bureau chief, BBC, New Delhi)
M J Akbar
“This book is an excellent forensic analysis of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s new economic policy, written with what be called “critical sympathy”. It will add to the understanding of the major transformation in progress.”
M J Akbar (Eminent author and Rajya Sabha MP)
Rajiv Kumar
Founder Director
Pahle India Foundation
C4/54 First Floor
Safdarjung Development Area
New Delhi – 110016
(+) 91 11 41551498
Visit of Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand.
Ministry of External Affairs, India added 5 new photos to the album Visit of Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand.
52 mins ·

Does Online Media Have a Political Agenda?
The sagar online media Daily
Life Balance as an Online Digital Media Buyer
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Brendan Beckham
Brendan Beckham – The 2012 political season is finally over. Amen. Now everyone in the online advertising industry can take a well-deserved break. Actually, let’s just turn off our phones, unplug our laptops, and go…
Local Violence Monitoring
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ACLED – We are often asked about our sources and source methodology that underlies our conflict data, analysis, and mapping. In this special focus, we discuss our local violence monitoring choices, decisio…
United Nations Information Centre
cordially invites you to the
Media Launch
Investor Nationality: Policy Challenges
at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, 21 June 2016
UN Conference Hall, 55 Lodi Estate, New Delhi-110003
The Report will be presented to the press by
Dr. Nagesh Kumar, Head, UN-ESCAP South and South-West Asia Office
UNCTAD’s World Investment Report 2016 looks into global financial flows against a background of stalling global growth, falling commodity prices and geopolitical tensions.
Globally, the recovery in foreign direct investment (FDI) was strong in 2015, with foreign direct investment flows jumping. A surge in cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&As) was the principal factor behind the global rebound. However, part of the growth in FDI was due to very large corporate reconfigurations by multinational enterprises, including shifting their headquarters, for strategic reasons.
Regulations on the ownership and control of companies are essential in the investment regime of most countries. The report provides insights into the ownership structures of multinational enterprises, analyses national and international investment policy practices worldwide, and proposes a new framework for handling ownership issues.
Please carry a Press Photo ID with you to facilitate your entry into the UN Premises;
You will have to trade the Photo ID at our security desk for the visitor’s pass; and follow standard security procedures.
RAJIV CHANDRAN National Information Officer United Nations Information Centre for India and Bhutan 55, Lodi Estate, New Delhi 110003 Tel: 91 11 46532237 |
Thailand Prime Minister’s Visit to India
Press Information Bureau – PIB, Government of India added 3 new photos to the album Thailand Prime Minister’s Visit to India.

Anil Ambani R.Com Revenue Rs.11,136 Cr
Anil Ambani R.Com Revenue Rs.11,136 Cr – Debt Rs.41,000 Cr
June17, 2016 (C) Ravinder Singh
Ravi Shankar Prasad’s main headache in Ministry of Telecom are Mukesh Ambani & Anil Ambani who are together going to have OVER Rs.200,000 Cr Debt in two years but had not delivered on EXPECTATIONS R.Com since 2001-02 and R.Com since 2010.
Share price of R.Com was Rs.800.05 in Jan11, 2008 is now Rs.46 – or 94% Loss to Shareholders including Banks. [Equity Pledged May Have Little Value]
Corrupt SEBI & BANKS Continue to Support MALFUNCTIONING 3,00,000 Corporate Reporting Losses. [Budget2016-17 – Revenue Foregone Statement].
Profit Making AIRTEL Contributes to Economy – Apart from Interest on Debt –Profits, Taxes – Service Tax, Spectrum Usage Charge etc – Which R.Jio hadn’t so far, R.Com too had barest minimum recently.
Debt of Both R.Com and Reliance Jio had already reached a point of No Return.
Kingfisher Airline went down after its DEBT was over Rs.6000 Cr but
Ø Debt of R.Com is over Rs.42,651 cr for Rs.11,136 Cr Revenue,
Ø R.Jio Liability over Rs.82,015 Cr for Zero Revenue.
In comparison
Ø BhartiAirtel has Rs.92,039 Cr Revenue for Rs.66,842 Cr Debt = Net
Profit of Rs.5,183 Cr.
How is Same DEBT but 27% Revenue R.Com & AIRCEL Joint Venture >
Ø Rs.25,000 Cr Revenue On Rs.66,000 Cr Debt would be profitable?
[R.Com has a gross debt of Rs.42,651 Cr, it is Rs.23,436 Cr for Aircel = Rs.66,087 Cr.]
Public Funds Should Be Available To Companies, MSMEs Who Are LEADERS, Farmers who Value Add Highest, Contribute Positively to Economy & GDP, Not to Promote LOSS MAKING CORPORATE.
Reliance Retail Reported Little Profit after 10 Years in Business –
Ø Give Rs.200,000 Cr to FARMERS for Storage of Foods Their Income Shall Double in 100 Days.
Consultants who are FAKING NEW JOINT VENTURE MODELS SHOULD BE BLACK LISTED ALSO – for Corrupting Banking System.
Ravinder Singh, Inventor & Consultant, INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES AND PROJECTS
Y-77, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016, India. Ph; 091- 9871056471, 9718280435, 9650421857