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September 2015 CPI inflation at 4.4%     

Rural India inflation stands at 5.1% in September 2015 as compared to 5.9% in September 2014 and Urban India inflation stands at 3.6% in September 2015 as against 5.3% in September 2014

The all India general CPI (Combined) for September 2015 stands at 4.41% as compared to 3.74% in August 2015. The inflation rates for rural and urban areas for September 2015 are 5.1% and 3.6% as compared to 4.5% and 2.8% respectively, for August 2015.
Consumer Price Index (combined)

Consumer Price Inflation (Combined)
   Source: PHD Research Bureau, compiled from MOSPI                                                                             

Rate of inflation during September 2015 is high in pulses and products at 29.8%, Pan, tobacco and intoxicants at 9.4%, Spices at 9.3%, Prepared meals, snacks & sweets etc. at 7.1% and clothing and footwear at 6%.

Consumer Price Index for the month of September 2015 for rural, urban and combined stood at 127, 123.5 and 125.4 respectively.

In addition to this, Consumer Food Price Indices (CFPI) of September 2015 for rural, urban and combined stands at 131, 131.8 and 131.3 respectively. Provisional annual inflation rate based on all India CFPI (Combined) for the month of September 2015 stands at 3.9% as compared to 2.2% in the previous month. The corresponding provisional inflation rates for rural and urban areas for September 2015 are 4.1% and 3.5% respectively as against 3.02% and 0.8% respectively in August 2015.

Boletín de Nuevatribuna
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Corruption remains a major cost for honest companies

39% businesses headquartered in India reported losing out on deals to corrupt competitors
New Delhi, 12 October 2015 榮bsp;Control Risks, the global business risk consultancy, today publishes its annual survey of business attitudes to corruption, drawing on responses from 824 companies worldwide.
Corruption is still a major cost to international business. 30% of respondents failed to win contracts when there was strong circumstantial evidence of bribery by corrupt competitors.
Corruption risks continue to deter investors. 30% of respondents say they have decided not to conduct business in specific countries because of the perceived risk of corruption.
And corruption is killing deals. 41% of respondents reported that the risk of corruption was the primary reason they pulled out of a deal on which they had already spent time and money.
But the picture is improving. Companies from countries with tight enforcement report fewer losses than before from corrupt competitors. 81% of respondents agree that international anti-corruption laws prove the business environment or everyone deter corrupt competitors (64%) and make it easier for good companies to operate in high-risk markets (55%).
However, there is still more to do. The survey shows that there are still wide variations in the maturity of company programmes. In the worst case, conventional compliance approaches can increase risk because they lead to a misguided sense of complacency.
The survey shows that corruption continues to remain a major hazard in India, despite the existence of a number of anti-corruption initiatives. Among Indian headquartered companies, 39% of respondents said that they had failed to win a contract where there was strong circumstantial evidence of corruption by a successful competitor.
Demands for ᦡcilitation payments⠴o speed up routine government transactions also remain a significant problem: 48% of the Indian respondents said that they would face no more than minor delays if they refuse to make such payments; 17% said that refusal would lead to major delays and significant costs to their businesses; and 9% of respondents told us that their business ᷩll grind to a halt⠩f they do not pay.
Tough international anti-corruption laws are seen as a force for good. 80% of Indian respondents thought that extra-territorial laws will improve the business environment in India, helping to level the competitive playing field for those unhappy with haphazard enforcement of domestic legislation. A similar perspective was shared by 87% of Mexicans, 80% of Brazilians and 79% of Indonesians.
The survey also highlights the fact that companies globally are now more willing to fight back when faced with suspected corruption. 27% of companies said they would complain to a contract awarder if they felt they had lost out due to corruption, compared to just 8% of respondents in an earlier Control Risks survey in 2006.
However, despite these positive developments, Control Risks⠳urvey suggests companies still need to do a lot more. Third party risk is still relatively unrecognised. Only 42% of respondents from India have procedures in place for due diligence assessments of third parties and at most 58% have an anti-corruption training programme for employees.
The survey also suggests that companies are not setting the right incentives to deter corruption. Respondents cited the fear of negative consequences as the penalty used most commonly to deter corrupt behaviour. They should do more to promote performance criteria that emphasise integrity as well as financial objectives. Establishing parity between financial targets and anti-corruption targets is vital to ensuring that compliance is embedded into companies⠣ulture.
Commenting on the surveyⳠfindings, Richard Fenning, CEO Control Risks, said:
Governments and companies across the world are increasingly aware of the importance of countering corruption, with China and Brazil in particular stepping up enforcement in the past year.  But still too many good businesses are losing out on opportunities to corrupt competitors, or choosing not to take a risk on an investment, or entering a new market in the first place, for fear of encountering corrupt practices.
Companies need to find a balance and do more due diligence early on in any negotiation or market entry planning, and to spot the points of light in countries that may otherwise appear as no-go areas.
のother concern is an overreliance on compliance. Often when organisations have comprehensive compliance processes in place, business leaders treat them as a safety net and donⴠpolice ruthlessly enough internally. More than half of the businesses we surveyed hadnⴠconducted a corruption-related investigation in two years. Given the size and complexity of most organisations this would suggest there is a danger of a false sense of security in compliance departments.䠼br>
For further information, and for the full report, please contact:
Aparajita Verma, Marketing Executive
T: + +91 11 4055 6200 (ext. 227)
Email: aparajita.verma@controlrisks.com
Notes to editors:
About Control Risks
Control Risks is a global risk consultancy specialising in political, security and integrity risk. The company enables its clients to understand and manage the risks of operating in complex or hostile environments. Through a unique combination of services, wide geographical reach and by adopting a close partnership approach with clients, Control Risks helps organisations effectively solve problems and realise new opportunities across the worldwww.controlrisks.com.
About the Survey:
Control Risks commissioned a survey of over 800 senior legal and compliance professionals in companies operating across the world to establish whether multinational organisations were sufficiently prepared to manage the complex governance and compliance environment they face today – or whether those responsible for anti-corruption and compliance initiatives are finding it hard to keep pace with global regulations and struggle to protect their businesses across all markets in which they operate.  The key question was: are these companies ready for the challenges that they face in todayⳠcompliance environment?
Control Risks, 331 North Bridge Road #04-01 Odeon Tower, Singapore, 188720, Singapore

The Election of the next Sikyong(Prime Minister) of Tibetan Govt. in Exile – 2016
The Preliminary voting for the election of the next Sikyong, the administrative head of the exile administration, and of the Tibetan Parliament in exile will take place onOctober 18, 2015.
For further information and to locate your Voting Booth;
Secretary, Election Commission, Central Tibetan Administration, Dharamshala – 176215H.P.,
India Tel: +91-1892-223693, 224909, Fax: +91-1892-224909, E-mail:election@tibet.net
The Candidates are:
1. Lobsang Sangay la
2. Penpa Tsering la
3. Tashi Wangdu la
4. Lukar Jam Atsock la
5. Tashi Topgyal la
Visit: www.sikyong2016.com to read about all candidates.
Latest Headlines:
Paradox of 10 Accomplishments of Sikyong Lobsang Sangay
Sikyong Dr. Lobsang Sangay became the leader of the Tibetan people in their history who was later given Sikyong title. Grounded in his fundamental guiding principles of Unity, Innovation and Self-Reliance, however the exile administration has not achieved any concrete results in the political, economic, education and social spheres during his tenure. In fact, Sangay has ushered in a new personal strategy by successfully traveling and meeting leaders by using the Central Tibetan Administration’s (CTA) fund and received a good fame in global politics, neglecting the grass root development and local problem of Tibetan settlements in Exile, India, Nepal and Bhutan.
When His Holiness the Dalai Lama devolved his political and administrative powers to the elected leadership, a cloud of doubt and anxiety shrouded the hearts and minds of Tibetans inside and outside Tibet but doubt and anxiety remain unchanged among Tibetan and in fact, situation in Tibet has been worsened. Its so saddening that the footsteps of former Kalon Tripa Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche, and wishes of His Holiness the Dalai Lama remained shallow, even with the team of so-called dedication fellow Kalons and civil servants, Sangay who have performed so poor in almost every field in the last four years, except there was an increase in scholarship. Consequently, he has instigated fear and doubt among Tibetans in the exile administration about his inefficiency.
Following are Ten Outstanding Unaccomplished tasks under his leadership:
ONE: Praise from His Holiness but less Recognition from its people 
In his address at the swearing-in ceremony of Sikyong Lobsang Sangay, His Holiness the Dalai Lama stated that with the devolution of his political and administrative powers, one of His Holiness’s long-cherished aspirations was fulfilled. In March 2014, while inaugurating the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile’s new building, His Holiness expressed his confidence in the Sikyong’s administration, and stated that now everything should not be dependent on a single person. During a visit to Germany on 27 August 2014, His Holiness said that he had handed over all his political responsibilities to an outstanding young leader Lobsang Sangay. Similarly, on 23 March 2015, in his address at a conference to mark the legacy of the former Indian Defence Minister George Fernandes, His Holiness reiterated that the Sikyong has been fulfilling his responsibilities with full competence. However, all these wishes and long cherished aspiration remain only wishes.
After the devolution of His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s political authority marked a time of great transformation and anxiety, Sikyong Lobsang Sangay have failed miserably to champions the cause of the Tibetan people as he couldn’t re-initiate talk between Tibetan envoy and China. Though under his leadership, he has travelled to almost all the countries in the world but literally to seek fame and popularity rather than any concrete agenda during official tour. It is known facts that the trust between the Central Tibetan Administration and its people was stained with doubts and fear that Tibetan in Tibet still dying, despite hope and aspiration in songs, letters and prayers offered by Tibetans from all walks of life from Tibet. It is true that he received outpouring support and faith from Tibetan due to His Holiness’ support and guidance to local and international platforms, which he couldn’t taken opportunity during his tenure.
TWO: Creation of Self-Awareness and Mobilization of International Support for Sustaining his Leadership position
In light of the critical situation in Tibet as highlighted by ongoing self-immolation protests, Sikyong is leading a strong global campaign to raise self-awareness and even to the extent of using words that states Tibet is part of China, without caring the ground reality in Tibet by promising to take His Holiness to Lhasa, Tibet. As a result, the situation in Tibet does not change and people in Tibet keep self-immolating.
In four years, he has visited over twenty countries without any strong and logical stand about Tibet, he met some of influential global leaders, including ministers, speakers and parliamentarians, Nobel Laureates and Tibet Support Groups. Though Sangay has appeared in major international news media, such as CNN, BBC, The New York Times, Globe Mail, Time magazine, the Wall Street Journal, Economic Times and the Washington Post but Tibet issue couldn’t reach for any negotiation and agreement. In addition Sikyong has published some articles about his self-acclaim success and leadership. These have greatly benefited his career and fame, though it will be short lived.
By considering Tibet’s critical situation, a Special Tibetan General Meeting and Tibet Support Groups meeting were organized in Dharamsala in 2012 with no strong consideration to people’s opinion and suggestions. This was followed by a major event jointly-initiated by the Kashag and the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile in Delhi without any concrete result on ground. This year the Paris Rally for Tibet, which was intent to glorify and campaign Sikyong Lobsang Sangay 2016, was pre-planned and attended by Sikyong to reach out to over 7,000 supporters. Similar events were organized in Austria, Japan and Australia to glorify Sikyong tenure rather than Tibet.
THREE:  A Greater Level of Diplomacy to Support for the Middle-Way Approach
The Middle-Way Approach was proposed by His Holiness the Dalai Lama and later it was adopted by the Central Tibetan Administration after unscientific and out-dated referendum. When the Sikyong took his oath of office, he pledged his commitment to this policy and to carry forward the works done during the administration of the former Kalon Tripa Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche. As soon as the Sikyong took over the reins of the administration, he recreated a think tank, the Tibet Policy Institute (TPI). The TPI, in close partnership with many reputed scholars and international think tanks, has organized superficial conferences on the Middle-Way Approach, and other issues related to Shugden and Rangzen issue.
In the initial three years of tenure, Sikyong took port-folio of different depart in traveling and attended different meetings, however in the year 2014, after strong opposition on his tour and one man show rule in the parliament, the Sikyong has ordered his fellow Kalons, secretaries of the departments to visit Tibetan settlements and even to foreign tour without any concrete agenda. Though in June 2014, the Middle-Way Approach Campaign was launched with the released of the campaign documents and the video by His Holiness but no follow up strategy afterward. It is true that the launch included the opening of a website, dissemination of an eight-minute video and various print materials on the Middle-Way Approach in Tibetan, English, Chinese languages but it didn’t reach to targeted audience. The middle way approach has gained unequivocally praise and support from world leaders in resolving the issue of Tibet, is due to His Holiness stand and firm believes on it but not by any miracles.
FOUR: Derail of Sino-Tibetan Talks during his Tenure
Believing that the best way to resolve the Sino-Tibetan conflict is through bi-lateral dialogue, the current administration under the Sikyong couldn’t initiate any steps for Sino-Tibetan talk. In fact, the there was derail of Sino-Tibetan talk since he assumed Sikyong position.
It is said that some efforts are being made without a special envoy. Prof. Jin Wei of the Central Party School in Beijing has on various occasions underlined the need for Sino-Tibetan dialogue but such effort remains on tongue and paper such as comments published in Chinese news websites and recalled of same story about a former high-ranking Chinese official, Xiao Wunan, visiting Dharamsala to meet His Holiness and Tibetan leaders.
Additionally, as it is mentioned above, some of other effort are nothing but credit taker  which Sikyong Lobsang Sangay is expert in it. As it is evident in his supporter statement, where they have intelligently taken credit by citing some of article on Tibet such as the Indian daily newspaper, The Hindu, quoted Wu Yingjie, the deputy party secretary of Tibet Autonomous Region, as saying that the Chinese government is already in talks with the people of the HH Dalai Lama. EU President Donald Tusk publicly urged the visiting Chinese Premier Li Keqiang for China to restart meaningful dialogue on Tibet.
After four years of tenure, the Sikyong continues to say that he is in the process of initiating the dialogue between the envoys of the Dalai Lama and Chinese counterparts. Hence, there will likely be no change in this field in the near future, if Lobsang Sangay remain in Sikyong position.
FIVE: Its not CTA but BJP Govt. has extended Relations with CTA.
The Government of India’s support is crucial to the Tibet issue, and the importance of the Tibetan Administration’s relationship with India can never be exaggerated. Since the BJP took office, under the leadership of Shri. Narendra Modi, the prime minister of India, his concern and consideration with CTA, which has opened a new door for Tibet cause.
The two Union Ministers representing the Indian Government has participated in His Holiness’ 80th birthday. No wonder, The ministers visited Dharamsala – the first time in 55 years – to attend His Holiness’ birthday as BJP has majority and has no opposition to oppose on their stand on Tibet.
Similarly, BJP has invited Sikyong’s and other CTA delegate at the swearing-in ceremony of the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. It could be diplomacy of BJP govt. where they have the court and ball, nothing seems signaled a powerful political message. Under the leadership of Katri Samdhong, he has build a good rapport with different states government, that his successor could have easily met with chief ministers of many Indian states, including Karnataka, Orissa, Uttrakhand, Arunachal Pradesh and Himachal Prades. Furthermore, the renewal of RC for five years was long-term plan of Katri Samdhong. And BJP govt. has passed new Tibetan Rehabilitation Policy 2014 but it remained in the book-shelf of CTA and has not published or distributed to the common people as CTA promised to do so by 2015! Followed by Katri Samdhong’s achievements, Sikyong Lobsang Sangay has received some invitation to deliver speech at some of Indian universities, he has attended it no matter the subject relate to him or not, or he has knowledge to share it or not. For instance, he has attended some of religion meeting which he has no basic idea of religion.
After the poor performance of congress led state government in Himachal, they played the card to win people of Tibetan and Himachal in particular, dedicated the road running from McLeod Gunj to Lower Dharamsala via the exile Tibetan headquarters at Gangchen Kyishong , in the name of Potala Road. There is no role of CTA in creating an auspicious sign for His Holiness to return to the Potala Palace in Tibet one day. In fact, it could be emotional blackmail.
SIX: Mission unaccomplished in the Field of Education
Its true that the Sikyong has consistently said that education is the top priority for his administration and it is in his election manifesto. What is there to call it significant investments in terms of initiatives to take over the administration of Tibetan schools from the CTSA; which in fact, transition is fully financed by Indian Government. What is there to distribute an unprecedented amount of funds to fully implement the Basic Education Policy, if its not transferred from CTSA to Sherig. It is true that the establishment of a special teacher training center to train holistic Tibetan teachers but the initiation of such training is beyond the time that CST school are in shortage of teacher for the last four years. Though Sikyong has visited every Tibetan school and meeting with parent-teacher but no follow up based on feedback. If you don’t believe in it, ask one of Tibetan teacher in CST School, what are negligence by CTA in the last four years!
Leader of statistic and quantity! is mistaken for good leader as majority of people like numbers, no matter what quality beneath. In 2010, the Department of Education provided scholarship of over nine million rupees [Ninety Lakhs] to 130 students but Katri Samdhong made it sure that the funds are balance to all the department. On the other hand, Sikyong Lobsang Sangay has spent forty million [Four Crores] by cutting budget from other departments.  Though, the number of students who attained distinction — scoring over 75% — in the 12th standard has increased from 127 in 2010 to 2015 was 443 students and at the same time, there has been increased in number of college graduate but where is the follow up? Well strategic plan of US organisation Technoserve had a dream to provide training and job guidance to Tibetan in Exile under the name of Tibetan Career Cetre but CTA has closed all its centre in the settlements. Why so? On other hand, exaggerated prestigious Sikyong Scholarship! to gain popularity of Sikyong Lobsang Sangay among uneducated Tibetan people.
SEVEN: Two-fold Increase in the Administration’s Income
It is rightly said that No works can be implemented without a sound financial base but it is also proved that some of noble works are implemented not only by money.
It’s true that in the year 1999, the annual budget of the exile administration has been around one thousand million rupees whereas the annual budget for the year 2015 stands at two thousand million rupees. For instance, during Nehru govt, the Indian budget was just about hundred crore but these days even states govt has pass budget more than few hundred crores.
For those who are in finance and know about budget and funding, please go through the statement given by Sikyong Lobsang Sangay supporter, and see whether its any logic behind!
“The increase of figure do not shows that the CTA’s income has doubled its income, in fact, its not income, it is donation fund. The exile administration used to receive US$ two million in aid from the United States towards welfare programs for Tibetans in India, Nepal and Bhutan. The amount of aid Tibetans receive from them today is about US$ seven million. The CTA also receives US$ one million in aid each from two western countries.
This statement tries to justify the allegation of owing Tibet office, please read it without nay partiality or preconceived notion. “Furthermore, after the US Office of Tibet was moved to Washington D.C., a new office building was purchased at US$ 2.7 million. The Office of Tibet in Japan also purchased a new building at US$ one million. These new innovative projects are possible because of the Administration’s healthy financial status. Since mobilization of funds also requires developing strong interpersonal relationships, the CTA must therefore take into consideration the importance of further improving the present Administration’s robust financial health.”.
What is your understanding? Does CTA a prime objective a foreign affair or sustaining of Tibetan in exile?
EIGHT: Sikyong, Credit Stealer “Projects to Sustain Tibetan Settlements”.
It is said that the Sikyong has time and again reiterated that in order to ensure the long-term sustenance of Tibetan settlements, we must sustain the ownership of settlement land but the change of Tibetan Rehabilitation Policy 2014 formalized by the Government of India, has no role of CTA. In fact, it is wishful proposal of His Holiness to Indian Govt. came to reality.
It is shame to call CTA a representative of Tibetan exile that they took more than one year to translate the Tibetan Rehabilitation Policy and still its not distribute to the public.!!
Sikyong supporters say that above policy will soon be implemented by the states, has already opened a way to legalize Tibetan ownership of settlement land, including those grouped under scattered communities. But the question is when? Why is delayed so long?
The fear of eviction that once prevailed over the residents of the Tibetan colony at Majnu-Ka-Tilla, Delhi, has now been resolved not in couple of years, it has been in process from last Congress government. Similar problems faced by around 210 families in Dharamshala, along with many families in Shimla and Rewalsar or Tso-pema were likewise successfully resolved not by CTA effort and efficiency. In fact, its sheer dedication and favour of present BJP ruling government.
Over the last four years, Sikyong visited every Tibetan school and settlement and assessed at first-hand the vote bank in the undeveloped settlements with no knowledge of CTA credibility and accountability as in Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh. Sikyong with his false promise such as immigration package to Tibetan in Lhadakh.
If CTA cant reach to Nepal and Bhutan, how can you expect Tibetan in abroad to build a lasting relation by introducing high profile project called Sister Shichak project. And on the other hand, provisions were also made for Tibetan professionals and scholars around the world (but it doesn’t include Tibetan professional in India) to serve as volunteers in the CTA under Tibet Corps. Its true that Tibetan professional from abroad are given priority!.
The number of doctors serving in Tibetan hospitals has increased from seven in 2012 to sixteen at present. Is that miracle? How could one graduate MBBS in couple of years and serve Tibetan community! It says that in 2014 Sikyong has successfully obtained over US$ three million dollars in aid for the Department of Health, is Sikyong a one man show? Does funding agency do not give any fund to Tibetan before Sikyong?
NINE: Not Implemented Fresh Policy for Proper Rehabilitation of New Refugees
Did you know that?
Sikyong supporter says that a large number of new Tibetan refugees have been successfully rehabilitated in major Tibetan settlements today. A new land was purchased in Bir/Chauntra to rehabilitate 73 families of recent refugees from Tibet. Similar initiatives to rehabilitate new refugees are also being implemented in Bylakuppe and Mundgod in the South. Oh my god, is there new arrived Tibetan who have heard about this policy?
Oh no, that’s enough! How much do you take credit of others! Similarly, a large number of families of former Tibetan political prisoners have been successfully rehabilitated in Australia. The number of years that a recent refugee from Tibet can study at the Sherab Gatsel Lobling School has been increased from five to eight years. The school today offers a number of vocational training programs such as tailoring and computer education. At least four students have successfully completed the All India Senior Secondary School Examination and provided scholarships to attend colleges. Ten students, expected to complete their class 12th exam next year, will be provided scholarship to pursue college.
TEN: Incident of Personal Security Breach to His Holiness 
The personal security of His Holiness is of paramount importance to the current administration under the Sikyong.
Jamyang Norbu discloses power struggle within the CTA that led to the negligence of protecting the Dalai Lama from the gentle nun who embarrassed the Dalai Lama during the protest at California.
So you call it security to HH Dalai Lama?
In brief, despite the fact that the Tibetan administration is based in exile and has to depend on others, Sikyong Dr. Lobsang Sangay, his fellow Kalons and civil servants, could not have done anything without support from Tibetan parliament in exile in the last four years.
There is nothing more he can deliver in the coming years, if the team can’t deliver in the given time. In fact, what is there to reveal in the next five years? What is there to build a first floor, if the foundation was laid, it must be an exaggeration! A continuation of a consistent and stable social and political environment will be the only hope and nothings can be changed.
Thus, on behalf of the Tibetan people inside and outside Tibet, not to waste your ‘vote’ and ‘time’ in voting Sikyong Lobsang Sangay. The Group requests the Tibetan people across the globe not to elect Lobsang Sangay, who has no shame to take others credit, who tour around world to build his fame, and who thinks about the seat, who do not work for unity of people and he takes advantage of His Holiness name, photo and people’s emotion.
Source: By “People’s Group not for Dr. Lobsang Sangay
Read more on all four candidates for the Sikyong 2016 on www.sikyong2016.com
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