Previ ew Invit ation : 3rd editi on of Trans missi ons - The Festi val of Indep enden t Cinem a From Aroun d The World.
From: Lightcube Film Society <> Mon, 23 Feb '15 10:12a
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
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Dear Friends from the Media,
We are happy to invite you to the 3rd edition of Transmissions - The Festival of Independent Cinema From Around The World. The film festival is scheduled from the 26th February to the 1st of March, 2015 at Instituto Cervantes ( Spanish Cultural Center ), 48, Hanuman Road, Connaught Place New Delhi
The Festival will also host, for the first time, an exhibition of art works / photographs from imminent independent artists from across the world and a tribute to the eminent film programmer Late. Mr. Peter Von Bagh from Finland during the festival.
I invite you for an exclusive press preview of the exhibition and the formal launch of the festival on the 24th of February, 2015 at 5 pm at Instituto Cervantes Auditorium.
The Preview will be addressed by Cultural Ambassadors of the supporting Embassies, Artists and Founders of Lightcube Film Society.
The festival will present an opportunity to view some of the best works of cinema in fiction, documentary and experimental genres. The complete schedule and festival creative is attached in the mail.
Suraj Prasad